Category: Disaster preparedness

End a Fight in 3 Seconds | Krav Maga

Ending a fight efficiently with minimal engagement with the subject allowing for a rapid exit is ideal. In this Krav Maga video, Ryan Hoover breaks down the rear naked choke in a street fight scenario where violence is imminent. The idea is to rapidly shut down the carotid arteries restricting blood flow to the brain. If …

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Tips to Get out of a Burning Building Alive

Fires claim thousands of lives every year, and many people die because they either became incapacitated or didn’t know how to escape. The good news is that there are some simple things that all of us can do in order to maximize our chances of escaping a burning building alive. Let’s take a look at a …

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Cover Your Bases:  Focus on Here and Now Survival

There’s no doubt that it is important to prepare for a nuclear attack, massive natural disaster or any other cataclysmic event.  These are the things that threaten to plunge our normal way of life into chaos, and we definitely need to be in a position where we are as self-sufficient as possible.  However, by placing …

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Long Term Prepper Survival Information

    How to plan an evacuation kit – also known as a go bag or bug out kit. In today’s Mailbox Monday we cover recent events that have driven people to evacuate. Floods, Earthquakes, Tornados, Civil War, all of these items can cause you to leave with little notice. Having a prepared kit and plan …

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Priorities of Survival, Rules of 3

There are several rules basic to survival. They’re known as “survival rules of three“. You can survive 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food, 3 months without hope. I go into some detail on each in this video. Everyone has a different ability to cope with …

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A Basic Introduction into the Lunar Cycle

Learning the basics of the lunar cycle can get you in tune with the rhythm of life that may become a reality if and when the SHTF.  One the main reasons that the moon is such a reliable source of time measurement is that each phase is distinctive and easily identifiable.  Let’s take a look at the basic phases …

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Overcoming Deadly Psychological Traps in an Emergency Part 3: Anger

Anger is just as capable of killing us as the events that are threatening our lives.  It can cloud judgment,   encourage us to make irrational decisions and work against everything good that we are trying to accomplish.  Anger is a natural and common psychological response to stress or loss, but it is something that should be dealt with …

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Overcoming Deadly Psychological Traps in an Emergency Part 1: Denial

Most people automatically experience an initial feeling of shock, disbelief or denial as soon as an emergency strikes.  One theory is that this is the brain’s way of helping us to minimize shock so that we can detach from the situation.  However, denial can also delay or cloud the decision-making process that needs to start as soon as …

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Are You Physically Prepared for Survival?

Physical fitness is one of the most important things that you can do to get your body ready for the challenges of a survival situation.  Getting into an exercise routine will also help you to rest better, think more clearly and have more control over your emotions.  Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a gym or …

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Survival Stockpiles and Rations: Lessons from the Cold War

There were over 100,000 municipal survival shelters scattered across the country from 1960s to the early 1970s.  They were funded by the federal government, but sites were selected and managed by state and local civil defense agencies.  Considering that these shelters were intended to protect populations from the effects of a nuclear war, it’s almost comical to …

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