Category: First Aid

Top Poisonous and Venomous Fish to Avoid

Top Poisonous and Venomous Fish to Avoid We often don’t think of fish as being toxic to humans,  but there are a handful of species that can inflict serious pain or inject a fatal dose of venom.  Fortunately, incidences of attacks by toxic fish are not as common as jellyfish stings, but they do happen.  …

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Extreme Heat in Phoenix: Reminder of the Dangers of Heat Exposure

Extreme Heat in Phoenix:  Reminder of the Dangers of Heat Exposure Temperatures soared to nearly 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Phoenix, Arizona in June of 2016.  This heatwave tied all-time heat records and was so intense that vehicles, roads, airplanes as well as humans were impacted.  Let’s take this opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance …

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How to Cope With and Overcome Vertigo

How to Cope With and Overcome Vertigo Vertigo is a balance disorder that can have life-threatening consequences under certain conditions.  There are a number of different causes of vertigo, and both relate to how the brain sends or receives information relating to balance and equilibrium.  The good news is that vertigo can be treated or …

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Cold Sore Remedies That May Actually Work

Cold Sore Remedies That May Actually Work Cold sores can be painful and difficult to treat.  Medication is expensive and not guaranteed to work, and outbreaks can be contagious which puts others at risk.  Considering that around 90% of the global population carries the virus that causes cold sores, it’s important to know about some …

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The Benefits and Dangers of a Dry Heat

The Benefits and Dangers of a Dry Heat As temperatures in arid parts of the country begin to rise, it’s important to consider how they impact our daily lives.  There are many benefits to a dry heat, but there are also a number of risks that are often easy to ignore.  Let’s take a few …

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Five Practical Uses for a Necktie

Five Practical Uses for a Necktie Neckties are more than just a way to project a professional or formal appearance.  They have many uses that can be particularly useful during a crisis.  As they become less and less popular in daily attire, you should still consider keeping one on hand at all times just in …

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Do You Need to Worry About Sand Flea Bites?

Do You Need to Worry About Sand Flea Bites? Sand fleas are a nuisance in many parts of the world along shorelines.  In some cases bites from these critters can lead to serious medical conditions.  There are two types of fleas that love to bite the lower legs and feet of humans, and it’s important …

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Make a Backpacking Checklist Before Heading Out

Make a Backpacking Checklist Before Heading Out Even the most experienced backpackers can forget essential items as they are preparing for their next trip.  You should always have a checklist handy and frequently update it in order ensure that you are not leaving anything behind.  As we get into the heart of this year’s hiking …

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Mosquito Repellents: Separating Fact from Fiction

Mosquito Repellents:  Separating Fact from Fiction There is no shortage of tips, tricks and recipes for repelling mosquitoes out there, and some are more effective than others.  We need to be more careful than ever when it comes to avoiding mosquito bites, and it’s important to know what is known to work and what repellent …

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Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Contact Lenses During a Survival Situation

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Contact Lenses During a Survival Situation Anyone who wears contact lenses appreciates their benefits over glasses.  They are often cheaper, more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than glasses.  However, they also require a lot of care and attention, both of which may not be possible during a survival situation.  Let’s take …

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