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Category: Disaster preparedness

Evade or Die! The Top 8 Mistakes that will get you Caught!

Evade or Die! The Top 8 Mistakes that will get you Caught! Being stealthy involves a lot more than tiptoeing through the tulips and keeping your voice down.  If you want to maximize your chances of avoiding detection and getting from point A to B unnoticed, it is essential that you become as invisible as …

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What Happens to our Pets when SHTF?!!

What Happens to our Pets when SHTF?!! Our pets are a part of our lives, but people often forget that they will have needs if SHTF too. They’ll still need to eat and they may get sick. Storing back pet food and common medications is a necessary part of your prepping.  Pets can be useful …

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The Top 3 Tips for Surviving Dangerous Weather!

The Top 3 Tips for Surviving Dangerous Weather! Some of the most violent weather occurs during the spring, and now is a good time to turn our attention to how to prepare for and deal with the aftermath of severe storms.  Most of the country is impacted by severe weather to one degree or another, …

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How to Make Your Own Lemon Soap

How to Make Your Own Lemon Soap Knowing how to make homemade soap is an important part of survival preparedness. Preparing a stockpile will help to ensure that you and your family are maintaining safe hygienic practices without the use of harsh chemicals that can damage the skin or pollute water supplies.  Lemon is one …

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A Simple Homemade Paint Recipe that Everyone Should Know

A Simple Homemade Paint Recipe that Everyone Should Know Not a lot of thought is given to paint during a survival situation, but it may become necessary in order to protect the wood of structures at your bug-out location.  The good news is that you can take advantage of an age-old paint recipe that can …

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A Basic Introduction into the Lunar Cycle

A Basic Introduction into the Lunar Cycle Learning the basics of the lunar cycle can get you in tune with the rhythm of life that may become a reality if and when the SHTF.  One the main reasons that the moon is such a reliable source of time measurement is that each phase is distinctive …

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Incorporating Military Camouflage Into Our Appearance

Incorporating Military Camouflage Into Our Appearance   Effective concealment is one of the fundamental principles of survival in hostile or unsafe areas.  The military has virtually perfected the art of camouflage over the years, and we can benefit from incorporating their guidelines into our own preparedness efforts.  Let’s look at some general things to think …

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Things to Consider When Building Trap Doors

Things to Consider When Building Trap Doors Trap doors on the floor or in the ground provide benefits that range from concealing valuable items to masking shelters or hiding places.  The biggest benefit of trap doors is that they are relatively easy to make.  The biggest drawback is making them as obscure as possible.  Let’s …

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Back to Basics: Ladder Safety

Back to Basics:  Ladder Safety Thousands of people end up in emergency rooms each year from injuries sustained by falling off of ladders.  It is very easy to take ladder safety for granted and fall victim to an accident that is completely preventable 99% of the time.  Let’s take a short refresher course in things …

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How to Quickly Choose a Temporary Shelter

How to Quickly Choose a Temporary Shelter There are a number of scenarios that may require you to quickly seek shelter in order to avoid being detected by someone.  However, it’s important that you quickly evaluate which option is the safest one to consider in the heat of the moment.  Let’s look at some basic …

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