Category: Family preparedness plan

What Happens to our Pets when SHTF?!!

What Happens to our Pets when SHTF?!! Our pets are a part of our lives, but people often forget that they will have needs if SHTF too. They’ll still need to eat and they may get sick. Storing back pet food and common medications is a necessary part of your prepping.  Pets can be useful …

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This Amazing Trick Turns Plastic Bottles into Wire and Rope!

This Amazing Trick Turns Plastic Bottles into Wire and Rope! One of the most interesting uses for old plastic bottles is that they can be cut into thin strips of thread that can be used for a million different purposes.  The problem is that fashioning a cutter tends to be easier said than done.  However, …

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A Simple Two-Pronged Approach to Beating Lice

A Simple Two-Pronged Approach to Beating Lice There are over 5,000 known species of lice, and they can be found on any part of the body that has hair.  Lice can also be found on bedding or clothing.  The good news is that controlling lice is not an impossible task, and you don’t necessarily need …

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How to Make Homemade Calamine Lotion and Oatmeal Bath Powder

How to Make Homemade Calamine Lotion and Oatmeal Bath Powder Many of us have been unfortunate enough to endure a severe rash, chicken pox or irritation from an allergic reaction or exposure to poisonous plants.  Oatmeal baths and a coating of calamine lotion have been the remedies of choice for decades, but it is very …

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A Basic Introduction into the Lunar Cycle

A Basic Introduction into the Lunar Cycle Learning the basics of the lunar cycle can get you in tune with the rhythm of life that may become a reality if and when the SHTF.  One the main reasons that the moon is such a reliable source of time measurement is that each phase is distinctive …

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How to Prepare the Garden in the Spring

How to Prepare the Garden in the Spring   It’s important to take steps to prepare your garden long before you start planting crops.  The best time of year to get started is in the spring after the ground softens as temperatures rise.  You don’t have to wait until the last frost has passed in …

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Things to Consider When Building Trap Doors

Things to Consider When Building Trap Doors Trap doors on the floor or in the ground provide benefits that range from concealing valuable items to masking shelters or hiding places.  The biggest benefit of trap doors is that they are relatively easy to make.  The biggest drawback is making them as obscure as possible.  Let’s …

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Back to Basics: Ladder Safety

Back to Basics:  Ladder Safety Thousands of people end up in emergency rooms each year from injuries sustained by falling off of ladders.  It is very easy to take ladder safety for granted and fall victim to an accident that is completely preventable 99% of the time.  Let’s take a short refresher course in things …

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How to Quickly Choose a Temporary Shelter

How to Quickly Choose a Temporary Shelter There are a number of scenarios that may require you to quickly seek shelter in order to avoid being detected by someone.  However, it’s important that you quickly evaluate which option is the safest one to consider in the heat of the moment.  Let’s look at some basic …

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Tapping into the Benefits of a Log Cabin Fire

Tapping into the Benefits of a Log Cabin Fire There are a lot of mixed opinions out there when comparing the log cabin fire to other fire-building methods.  Some of the chief complaints involve the fact that it is a little labor-intensive and requires a considerable amount of time to build when compared to other …

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