Category: Food

How to Dress and Prepare a Wild Duck

How to Dress and Prepare a Wild Duck Cleaning a duck after it has been caught and killed is not a difficult process.  However, it’s important to remember a few pointers in order to ensure the duck is safe to consume.  Let’s take a look at the basic steps and you can become an expert …

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What is Listeria and Why is it a Problem in Survival Situations?

What is Listeria and Why is it a Problem in Survival Situations? Listeria outbreaks are becoming a common occurrence across the country.  Their rapid development as a food-borne illness to contend with is alarming.  While these outbreaks are easy to prevent and contain, listeria can become a widespread problem during a SHTF situation that we …

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Basic Trout Fishing Tips and Tactics

Basic Trout Fishing Tips and Tactics Trout are abundant in US waters, and can be found in streams, brooks, rivers and lakes.  There are three main species of trout in the country, and each one has certain idiosyncrasies that are important to know about.  Let’s take a look at some basic information and strategies that …

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Why Everyone Should Plant a Survival Garden

Why Everyone Should Plant a Survival Garden Did you know that a huge percentage of the food we eat comes from seeds produced by a handful of companies?  Did you know that these companies produce seeds that have been genetically modified, sold and integrated into our food supply without really evaluating potential health risks to …

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How to Safely Can Ground Beef

How to Safely Can Ground Beef Canning ground beef is a relatively easy and safe process as long as you follow some basic guidelines.  Having a supply on hand for a survival situation is a great way to enhance meals as well as add some tasty protein to your diet.  It also reduces your reliance …

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Incorporating the Present Into Your Food Storage System

Incorporating the Present Into Your Food Storage System We place a great emphasis on long-term food storage, and for good reason.  However, focusing on the distant future can prevent us from making the most of immediate and intermediate options as well.  Let’s take a look at a few tips that will help you to round …

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How to Can Delicious and Nutritious Beef Stew for Long-Term Storage

How to Can Delicious and Nutritious Beef Stew for Long-Term Storage A lot of people are under the impression that it is difficult to can entire meals.  The reality is there is a variety of meals that can be safely stored for months or even years if they are prepared properly.  Beef stew is one …

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How to Make Dehydrated Mashed Potato Flakes

How to Make Dehydrated Mashed Potato Flakes One of the most versatile and easy to prepare dehydrated foods are potatoes.  You can cube or slice them and produce some delicious meal options in a matter of hours.  You can also dehydrate them and turn the potatoes into flakes that are easy to store as well.  …

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How to Field Dress and Cook a Gopher

How to Field Dress and Cook a Gopher Gophers are known as voracious pests that destroy crops, but they are also an abundant source of food.  Don’t think twice about catching and killing them for your next meal if you are in an area where they are present.  Let’s look at a simple guide to …

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The Amazing Health Benefits of Beans

The Amazing Health Benefits of Beans Beans have some of the most diverse-array of nutrients that can be found in any food.  They are also very easy to store over the long-term.  Different varieties provide us with different levels of benefits, but most of them are worth stocking up on in order to offset nutritional …

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