Category: Food

How to Efficiently Pluck Game Fowl for Dinner

How to Efficiently Pluck Game Fowl for Dinner Hunting and killing popular game foul is the easy part when compared to the struggles that many people have with preparing their kill for dinner. However, plucking a bird is not as difficult as it seems, and you can clean an entire bird in just a few …

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How to Clean and Process a Dove

How to Clean and Process a Dove Doves are found in most parts of the country, and their meat is a good source of protein with little fat.  While you won’t get a lot of meat out of each bird, cleaning and removing the breast will provide you with a decent serving that can be …

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How to Safely Can Fish for Long-Term Food Storage

How to Safely Can Fish for Long-Term Food Storage Most meats and fish should not be canned for long-term storage because bacteria will grow and cause the product to spoil.  However, there are certain types of fish that are safe to can and store.  Let’s take a look at the process and see how you …

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How Newspaper Can Enhance Productivity of Your Garden

How Newspaper Can Enhance Productivity of Your Garden One of the best ways to make your garden more productive and easier to manage is to add some newspaper before you start planting.  Chances are that you will be scrambling for every scrap of used newspaper that you can find after you read about how beneficial …

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How To Make An Off-The-Grid Tealight Slow Cooker

How To Make An Off-The-Grid Tealight Slow Cooker   Slow cooking is an art form that has been around for eons, and there are a lot of ways to get the job done.  However, many methods are not all that efficient and require a lot of fuel to keep the heat on for hours at …

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How to Make a Cheap and Effective Live Rabbit Trap

How to Make a Cheap and Effective Live Rabbit Trap   A box rabbit trap is probably the easiest and most humane way to hunt and trap rabbits.  Shooting them requires a lot of time and skill, snare traps can be tricky and difficult to set, and most people don’t have enough land to make …

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Delicious, Easy and Healthy Nut Butter Recipe

Delicious, Easy and Healthy Nut Butter Recipe Nut butter recipes are both very easy to make, don’t require a lot of ingredients and can provide a sweet source of condensed nutrition.  However, there are also some important things to think about when it comes to whipping up a batch at home.  Take a look at …

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Use These Biodegradable Seed Starters to Prep Your Garden

Use These Biodegradable Seed Starters to Prep Your Garden You can make your own seed starters from items that you have laying around your home, save money and help to eliminate waste at the same time.  Take a look at the examples below, and see how easy it is to turn ordinary waste into productive …

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Caffeine…What You Need to Be Aware of When SHTF

Caffeine…What You Need to Be Aware of When SHTF Caffeine is so abundant and widely-accepted as a stimulant that most people don’t think of it as a drug that has harmful side-effects.  The reality is that too much caffeine can lead to a wide-range of health problems that include headaches and muscle cramps to cardiac …

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Important Springtime Fishing Tips to Consider

Important Springtime Fishing Tips to Consider Fishing in the early to late spring is very different than in the warmer months.  Fish are just starting to become more active as they emerge from their wintertime slumber, and there will be days when they are more hungry than others.  Let’s take a look at some tips …

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