Easy Build Moonshine Still

I have never made moonshine before but after seeing this video I thought it would be good to share for a SHTF type of situation.
In the old days of America people used to make moonshine because alcohol was prohibitively taxed by the government. Moonshine is very high in alcohol and can actually be very dangerous. So you will have to be sure you make it correctly. If you ever have moonshine, PLEASE take a small amount out of the jar with a spoon and light it on fire. If it burns any other color but blue, spill it out immediately! It is potentially hazardous.
Warning! According to the TTB, US Federal law strictly prohibits individuals from producing distilled spirits at home, so only use this recipe for reference purposes. Unless, of course, it is the end of the world as we know it and the Federal government is not functioning. This is a great skill to know and master for a SHTF situation as alcohol could be used for barter; and naturally, entertainment. Also, as moonshine is highly flammable you could brew a super strong batch and use it for Molotov cocktails as a defense weapon. You can watch the full video here.