Homemade Water Filter – The DIY “Straw-Style” Water Filter! – Survival/SHTF Water Filter – Easy DIY

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Published on Feb 5, 2015

Homemade “Straw Style” Water Filter!. Easy DIY. This Straw Style Water Filter is small, lightweight and powerful. good to have when hiking/camping and ideal for in a SHTF/Emergency situation. is 99.9% effective at removing many common disease/cancer causing water contaminants. also is excellent for purifying rain (or tap) water. full step-by-step instructions. items needed: poultry baster, coffee filters, cotton balls (optional) and activated carbon. *all items found at dollar store – except the activated carbon ($6.00 at walmart). also sold at most aquarium supply stores. filter should last for years with regular maintenance. the activated carbon is rated to last 5 1/2 months (24 weeks) if used continuously. change cotton/coffee filters as needed.



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