What You Need to Know About Sugar Withdrawal

What You Need to Know About Sugar Withdrawal


America’s addiction to sugar has reached epidemic proportions years ago, but we still don’t quite appreciate the extent of the problem. Some estimates reveal that the average American consumes almost 200 pounds of refined sugar per year, but that doesn’t include all the sugar derivatives that are found in many of our favorite drinks and foods.


The reality is that sugar is incredibly addictive, and it produces similar effects on our brain that cocaine does. It is also so common, such a regular part of our lives and so socially acceptable that people who talk about the negative effects of sugar tend to be maligned and ostracized. Considering the impact on our overall health that excessive sugar consumption has, as well as the cost of caring for those who develop chronic disease as a result, it is mind-boggling that this problem isn’t taken more seriously.


What You Need to Know About Sugar Withdrawal

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