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Shelters Using On-Hand Materials

It’s vital in any survival situation to make use of anything you find or already have with you. You can often find useful materials left behind by others. A bit of discarded climbing rope, some ripped plastic sheeting or even an old hiking boot can be of great use in the woods. You should always …

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Making and using a Bow Drill

When I was learning to make fire using the bow drill I browsed the internet for information, I found that there are quite a few websites out there that have articles about the bow drill, but I felt there was never enough information. Each person has their own tips and specialist knowledge around the subject …

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Home Made Berkey Water Filter

I have a large family and our current home does not afford us much space for water storage. While we are able to store some, our contingency water plan centers around the two stormwater holding ponds near our home. However, this water is standing water that mainly is supplied by runoff from the parking lots …

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One Log Rocket Stove

One of the most common questions that I am asked  from non-prepper friends and acquaintances is what exactly is a rocket stove and how do I get one.  I try not to roll my eyes over this because although rocket stoves are common among campers, backpacking enthusiasts and former boy scouts, they are a relative …

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How to Make a Quick Emergency Toilet

  How to Make a Quick Emergency Toilet Supplies: 5 gallon bucket Bag of scoopable kitty litter (regular works, too, but the scoopable helps alleviate urine better) Heavy-duty garbage bags (you don’t want the cheap ones that easily rip Toilet seat – these toilet seats are available at most camping stores and online. They fit most …

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6 Widerness Survival Shelters

Here are some actual Survival Shelters to give you a good idea of what’s possible in a wilderness setting. A-Frame Shelter Here is a great example of an easy Aframe shelter, covered with leaves and debris for added insulation and waterproofing. Swamp Bed Under a Lean To Here’s a quick and easy swamp bed that …

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How to Make Pine Pitch

I try to collect pine resin deposits that happen naturally, usually caused by a fracture in a limb by a storm, lightning, or animals scratching on the bark. I also gather resin that oozes naturally out of the broken knots in the pine tree. The runny clear resin, the dried up clumps of amber or …

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How to Build a Trap: 15 Best Survival Traps

In a survival situation, traps can capture animals that provide us precious calories from meat and fat. Think of them as little hunters that you put out to do your work for you while you are off accomplishing other tasks. There are seemingly as many different traps as there are creatures to catch, but we’ve …

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When The Toilet Paper Is Gone

  When the toilet paper is gone from all the stores, now what? Some people may have a few rolls, or a few hundred rolls, stored away. Let’s assume we have an unforeseen disaster. One where the roads cave in or are washed away like we had this last winter on the east coast. We …

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How to Make Charcloth: A miracle material for catching sparks and making fire

Catching a spark and blowing it into a flame is a skill that can save your life. Charcloth is a material that has been “cooked” like charcoal is at high temperatures until it becomes black. Properly-made charcloth will easily catch a spark and grow into an ember.  This ember can be transferred to a tinder bundle …

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