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Category: Disaster preparedness

Tips to Get out of a Burning Building Alive

Tips to Get out of a Burning Building Alive   Fires claim thousands of lives every year, and many people die because they either became incapacitated or didn’t know how to escape. The good news is that there are some simple things that all of us can do in order to maximize our chances of …

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How to Keep Rats and Mice at Bay

How to Keep Rats and Mice at Bay Rodent control is an essential component of any disaster management program. Their presence can contribute to the spread of disease as well as degrade or contaminate your food supplies. There are a few practical tips that you can use to create an environment that will not attract …

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45 Survival/SHTF Tips!

45 Survival/SHTF Tips!     Here’s some pretty handy survival tips that may just save your buttocks.  

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Finding Each Other After a Disaster

Finding Each Other After a Disaster   One of the most difficult things to plan for is what to do if you lose contact or get separated from loved ones. People get separated from one another on a regular basis during the course of an otherwise “normal” day, and this can be stressful enough. Now …

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How to Make Long Lasting Survival Candles

How to Make Long Lasting Survival Candles   Almost everyone appreciates the importance of having candles on hand during a power outage. However, not all candles are created equally, and many tend to burn a lot faster than we would like. You can buy special survival candles that are designed to burn slowly, or you …

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SHTF guns and ammo – prepping firearms

SHTF guns and ammo – prepping firearms A little talk about ammunition and what you should be storing for SHTF, disasters, etc. As many people discuss what caliber would be most effective in a survival situation or wrol I talk about the various kinds of ammo such as fmj, hollow point, and soft point and …

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Quick Guide to Storing Eggs and Milk

Quick Guide to Storing Eggs and Milk Milk and eggs can be frozen, canned and dehydrated to extend their shelf life. However, there are some important things to consider as you use each of these methods. Let’s look at the benefits as well as drawbacks of storing these perishable items for future use.  

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Remembering the Cardinal Rule of Threes for Survival

Remembering the Cardinal Rule of Threes for Survival   It’s important to bring things back to basics every now and then when it comes to preparing to survive a crisis. Yes, we need resources, supplies and an array of skills that will help us to make do during one of many emergencies that come our …

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Useful Information About Frogs and Toads and Their Benefits

Useful Information About Frogs and Toads and Their Benefits   Frogs and toads are easily misidentified and misunderstood. You can’t get warts from touching or kissing them, most are not poisonous, and they provide a number of important benefits. Let’s look at some of their similarities, differences and how you can take advantage of these …

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Making and using a Bow Drill

When I was learning to make fire using the bow drill I browsed the internet for information, I found that there are quite a few websites out there that have articles about the bow drill, but I felt there was never enough information. Each person has their own tips and specialist knowledge around the subject …

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