Published on Feb 4, 2014 Here I make a propane gas forge out of a large #10 steel can, and homemade refractory lining and a new burner design.
Category: Survival Gear
Survival QUICK TIP – What is 550 Paracord & How Can It Save Your Life?
What is 550 Paracord & How Can It Save Your Life? So what’s the big deal with Paracord anyway? The answer is simple and it can save your life. In this NEW video from we’ll answer the question, “What is Paracord?” and look at why 550 para cord should be in your Bug Out …
DIY Ham Radio Power Supply for SHTF
DIY Ham Radio Power Supply for SHTF The DIY Ham Radio Power Supply for SHTF is basically a backup communication system. In another word, you can call it a portable radio system for communication. There are certain items to consider when planning a setup of the DIY Ham Radio Power Supply for SHTF unit. This …
How To Make A $5 Mess Kit
How To Make A $5 Mess Kit This is a Do-It-Yourself Video about how to make a $5 Mess Kit. The Video tutorial is made by a man wearing a Cap. The man opens a small bag that contains the Cook Kit. In this bag, there is a progressive soup can, two fuel cans, Matches, …
How to Make A Foldable Kayak
How to Make A Foldable Kayak This is an interesting Do-It-Yourself Video where a man named Rulof takes the viewers to the riverside and teaches his audience how to make a foldable Kayak. The first thing he does is to take two pieces of plastic that he says “are cheap and easy to find” …
Israeli Bandage
How to apply an Israeli Bandage Applying the Israeli bandage remains easy to achieve. The pad will have to go up around the wound. During the process of how to apply an Israeli bandage, you have to stretch it for a better result. For instance, if you are trying to get wood for food preparation …
The Ultimate DIY Water Filter!
Published on Feb 23, 2015 Ultimate DIY Water Filter! This Homemade Water Purifier is extremely effective and super easy to make. The “2 Stage” design purifies almost all water sources to 99.999%. Starts to produce clean/clear (super hot) water within 20 seconds! uses no electricity. great to have in a SHTF/Emergency situation or for …