How to Grow Your Own Loofah Sponges

Loofah products that you see on store shelves actually come from sponges that are related to the gourd family. You can grow your own and develop a limitless supply of these excellent cleaning products that can be used on the skin as well as for household chores. Let’s take a look at how easy it …

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Simple Guide for Gathering Wood and Building a Fire

When talking about fires, terms such as fire-starting material, kindling, tinder and good wood come up a lot.  However, they don’t do much to explain how big or long items should be, or how much wood you will need to get started.  Below is a simple guide that can help to ensure that you are gathering the …

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How to Make a Simple Pull-Tab Fire Starter

You can create a powerful and effective firestarter that may be an ideal option in windy or rainy conditions.  It combines the benefits of a match or lighter, fuel and tinder in one easy to use device that is portable.  Let’s take a look at this simple trick, because it may be the perfect compliment to your …

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How to Make an Emergency Compass Out of Duct Tape

You never know when you will need to make an emergency compass to orient yourself in a wilderness survival situation.  This is why it’s so important to know about as many tricks as possible, so you can use them if and when they become applicable.  Let’s take a look at a simple one that involves …

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How to Make a Rudimentary Slingshot out of PVC Pipe

There are a lot of ways to make slingshots, but few are as easy as the one described below.  If you have some PVC pipe, duct tape and thick rubber bands, you can make one in just a few minutes.  Let’s take a look at this simple process that may be good to know if you’re ever …

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Are You Physically Prepared for Survival?

Physical fitness is one of the most important things that you can do to get your body ready for the challenges of a survival situation.  Getting into an exercise routine will also help you to rest better, think more clearly and have more control over your emotions.  Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a gym or …

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Dangers of Eating Canned Food (and How to Reduce Those Health Risks)

In today’s busy world, eating canned food has become a habit for many of us. Indeed, the FDA reports that 17% of the American diet comes out of cans. However, canned food has received a lot of negative attention in recent years due to the potential dangers aluminum and tin cans can pose to our …

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A Lesson Learned from Improperly Storing Food

A friend of mine brought over some really nice bread rolls the other day, and I wanted to save them. I put them into a large zip-lock plastic bag, squeezed out as much air as I could without squishing the bread and laid it on the counter.   A couple of hours later, I went back …

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Practical Considerations Regarding Survival Bars

Survival bars have evolved considerably from the bland crackers that were commonplace on marine survival kits or Cold War shelter food supplies.  However the added choices that are available do not always translate into better and more beneficial products.  Let’s look at some things to think about when choosing the right survival bars for your needs. Calories …

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First Aid: Ligament and Tendon Injuries

There are very important differences between ligaments and tendons, and injuries to either one will have different impacts on the body.  In many cases, it is easy to identify whether an injury is caused by a torn or ruptured ligament or tendon, and this can help to ensure that you are providing the proper form of …

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