The Risks of Taking Anti-Anxiety Medication During a SHTF Scenario Anti-anxiety medications are a popular and effective way to treat periodic bouts with anxiety. However, they also come with side-effects that can impair judgment, drive and clear-thinking. These are all things that are essential to making good decisions and taking appropriate action during a crisis. …
How to Dress and Prepare a Wild Duck
How to Dress and Prepare a Wild Duck Cleaning a duck after it has been caught and killed is not a difficult process. However, it’s important to remember a few pointers in order to ensure the duck is safe to consume. Let’s take a look at the basic steps and you can become an expert …
What is Listeria and Why is it a Problem in Survival Situations?
What is Listeria and Why is it a Problem in Survival Situations? Listeria outbreaks are becoming a common occurrence across the country. Their rapid development as a food-borne illness to contend with is alarming. While these outbreaks are easy to prevent and contain, listeria can become a widespread problem during a SHTF situation that we …
The Health Risks of Valley Fever
The Health Risks of Valley Fever Valley fever is a common occurrence in the Southwestern desert areas of the United States. Each year, tens of thousands of people are impacted by this condition as dust and particles from the ground get inhaled into the lungs. Let’s take a look at some of the risks, treatment …
Survival Stockpiles and Rations: Lessons from the Cold War
Survival Stockpiles and Rations: Lessons from the Cold War There were over 100,000 municipal survival shelters scattered across the country from 1960s to the early 1970s. They were funded by the federal government, but sites were selected and managed by state and local civil defense agencies. Considering that these shelters were intended to protect populations …
Basic Trout Fishing Tips and Tactics
Basic Trout Fishing Tips and Tactics Trout are abundant in US waters, and can be found in streams, brooks, rivers and lakes. There are three main species of trout in the country, and each one has certain idiosyncrasies that are important to know about. Let’s take a look at some basic information and strategies that …
Cleaning a Pistol Without Making a Mess
Cleaning a Pistol Without Making a Mess You don’t have to make a huge and messy project out of cleaning a pistol, and it is a job that can be done in as little as a few minutes. A lot of people take unnecessary steps and end up over-cleaning their weapon. This can actually lead …
Why Everyone Should Plant a Survival Garden
Why Everyone Should Plant a Survival Garden Did you know that a huge percentage of the food we eat comes from seeds produced by a handful of companies? Did you know that these companies produce seeds that have been genetically modified, sold and integrated into our food supply without really evaluating potential health risks to …
Make Your Own Cooking Oil With Sunflower Seeds
Make Your Own Cooking Oil With Sunflower Seeds Sunflowers are ridiculously easy to grow, and they yield enough seeds to make producing oil simple and efficient. You can even make oil out of the seeds that you purchase from the store. Let’s take a look at how you can produce a nutritious and steady supply …
How to Safely Can Ground Beef
How to Safely Can Ground Beef Canning ground beef is a relatively easy and safe process as long as you follow some basic guidelines. Having a supply on hand for a survival situation is a great way to enhance meals as well as add some tasty protein to your diet. It also reduces your reliance …