Have You Tested Your Water for Arsenic Lately?

Have You Tested Your Water for Arsenic Lately? Arsenic in drinking water supplies is a global problem that takes tens of thousands of lives per year.  It is also present in many water sources here in the United States as well.  While the EPA regulates what constitutes toxic doses of arsenic, there is little that …

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Simple Knife Sharpening Techniques That You Must Know

Simple Knife Sharpening Techniques That You Must Know Keeping blades sharp is important for the protection of your knives, and a good blade will make cutting objects safer and easier.  While sharpening knives isn’t rocket science, there are a couple of things to consider to make the process easier on you and your blade. Sharpeners …

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Scorpion Stings: Dangers and Treatment Options

Scorpion Stings:  Dangers and Treatment Options Scorpions are generally assumed to be present in the desert Southwest and California.  However, various species exist throughout the United States.  While the majority of them thrive in hot climates, they have adapted and can be found in northern parts of the country as well.  Fortunately, most species are …

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Banana Fungus Threatens to Kill Global Supplies

Banana Fungus Threatens to Kill Global Supplies One of the biggest risks to our global food supply is a lack of seed diversity.  Huge, multi-national agricultural companies have found ways to coerce farmers around the world to use only their seed products.  This has led to a limitation of varieties of plants that are available …

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Practical Considerations Regarding Survival Bars

Practical Considerations Regarding Survival Bars Survival bars have evolved considerably from the bland crackers that were commonplace on marine survival kits or Cold War shelter food supplies.  However the added choices that are available do not always translate into better and more beneficial products.  Let’s look at some things to think about when choosing the …

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Five Surefire Ways to Attract Mosquitoes

Five Surefire Ways to Attract Mosquitoes There are a lot of ways to repel mosquitoes, from using commercial bug-sprays to utilizing an endless list of home remedies that have worked for generations.  However, the best way to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes is to avoid attracting them in the first place.  Unfortunately, we tend to …

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How to Make a Muscle Balm out of Horsemint

How to Make a Muscle Balm out of Horsemint Horsemint is a plant that is found all over the Southeastern United States, and it is the perfect natural remedy to use for soothing sore muscles.  You can turn horsemint leaves into a powerful balm that can provide immediate and lasting pain relief in a few …

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How to Make a Simple and Effective Pepper Spray with CURRY

How to Make a Simple and Effective Pepper Spray with CURRY Curry is not usually the ingredient of choice when thinking about making homemade pepper spray.  However, the active ingredients along with its oily consistency can produce an effective and highly-irritating product.  Take a look at the steps below and see how this simple recipe …

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Survival Firearms On A Budget

Survival Firearms On A Budget Few would argue the importance of firearms in an overall prepping plan.  Firearms can provide you with food as well as protecting you and your family.  The reality is, in a total societal collapse situation, firearms can make the difference between success and failure. Unfortunately, if you are just getting …

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Tinder, Kindling And Starting Fires Quickly

Tinder, Kindling And Starting Fires Quickly Tinder and kindling are often used interchangeably, but they represent two different categories of fire-starting material. It’s important to have an idea of what material works best in order to conserve resources and get fires started quickly and easily. Let’s take a closer look and highlight some important things …

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