We’re always on the hunt for practical and inventive ways to start fires with minimal material. One nice trick is to use a pencil along with some common household items. Follow the steps in this DIY video and see how easy it is to add this little hack to your survival bag of tricks.
Brief Overview of Different Types of Fractures
Brief Overview of Different Types of Fractures Most broken bones that victims receive tend to fall under a few main categories. Being able to identify them either visually or by touch can help you to take appropriate action in the field. This can help to minimize further injury until the patient can be brought to a …
SHTF First Aid: Emergency Rescue Breathing
SHTF First Aid: Emergency Rescue Breathing An individual can have difficulty breathing for a number of reasons. They could be having a heart attack, suffering from respiratory disease or an allergic reaction, or they may have sustained an injury that has rendered them unconscious. No matter the cause, the most important thing is that the …
SHTF First Aid: Handling a Stroke
SHTF First Aid: Handling a Stroke A stroke is a blockage of blood flow to the brain, normally due to a blood clot. They range from minor to deadly depending on the degree and nature of the blockage. Symptoms of a stroke can also range from being obvious to nearly impossible to detect. Let’s …
Tornado Categories, Watches and Warnings
Tornado Categories, Watches and Warnings Each year, tornadoes kill scores of people and cause billions of dollars in damage. Tornadoes can strike almost anywhere with little or no warning, even in areas that are not accustomed to experiencing them. Despite their tremendous destructive potential, many people do not realize how strong, unpredictable they really are.
Survival Practice Makes Surviving Perfect
Survival Practice Makes Surviving Perfect But, how prepared are you in reality? The only way to know for sure is to test your efforts in order to see what works and what doesn’t based on different scenarios. One of the best ways to establish a real and reliable system of checks and balances is through …
The Top 3 Tips for Improvised Floatation Devices
The Top 3 Tips for Improvised Floatation Devices Swimming for survival takes an enormous amount of energy, and even the best swimmers can run into trouble in a very short period of time. It is very important to think about how you can create makeshift or improvised flotation devices that can be used at a …
Hot Tips for Baking Without an Oven
Hot Tips for Baking Without an Oven There are lots of was to bake, even if you don’t have an oven. While it is true that you are limited in terms of what kinds of foods you can produce with the alternatives discussed below, these tricks can come in really handy as well. Let’s look …
Milking Your Goat…Easier than you might think!
Milking Your Goat…Easier than you might think! Milking a goat is not all that difficult, and it doesn’t take a lot of experience to develop a rhythm that will save you time and energy while also reducing stress on the animal. However, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to make …
Real Honey…Prepper Gold!
Real Honey…Prepper Gold! Honey, the real stuff, is loaded to the hilt with nutritional benefits and should be in every prepper’s kitchen. However, a lot of the honey that is in supermarkets is not what it seems, and this may be surprising for a lot of unsuspecting shoppers. Let’s uncover some of the lesser-known secrets …