3 SHTF NUTRITIONAL POWERHO– USES!! Sprouting is an easy and economical way to grow highly nutritional greens for your plate no matter where you live or what time of year it is. WHEAT, WILD RICE and SEEDS are SUPER nutritional, high yield, easy to store space savers POWERHO– USES.

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Making a Crayfish Trap That Works

Making a Crayfish Trap That Works   Making a crayfish trap is one of the easiest things to do in the world, and it can help to ensure that you have an abundant supply of protein at your disposal. You can set it, forget it and come back to check on its status periodically until …

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Black Pipe Shotgun – Noisy Cricket

Black Pipe Shotgun – Noisy Cricket   The Noisy Cricket 12 ga. black pipe shotgun. This is not absolutely a safe thing to do so don’t do it… This homemade and BATF legal shotgun was made mostly from black pipe and black pipe grade fittings. JB Weld was used to glue the components together. The …

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Your First-Aid Field Kit

Your First-Aid Field Kit One of the most talked about survival items is the first aid kit. There are limitless options to consider when purchasing or assembling one for your survival needs. They can be as simple a small pouch with some bandages, tape, ointment and over the counter pain relievers to large backpacks that …

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10 Awesome Vinegar Life Hacks you should know.

10 Awesome Vinegar Life Hacks you should know. We’ve put together a list of 10 interesting ways to make that bottle of vinegar work for you.

A Hand Pump for Shallow Water sources

A Hand Pump for Shallow Water sources There are so many ways to use this pump. Tie it in with your well, spring, Pool, tank and all inside your home. Power goes out, 20 below zero, no water? No problem! Go down to the basement turn one valve and start pumping. Water delivered throughout the …

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The Truth About Water Purification In A Wilderness Survival Situation

The Truth About Water Purification In A Wilderness Survival Situation In this video Dr. Anja Whittington teaches us about water purification in a wilderness survival situation. She covers four great ways to make drinking water safe to drink and talks a bit about the side effects and risks posed by not making the water safe …

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Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Following these simple steps is all that it takes to keep the body hydrated and avoid a wide-range of problems that can turn into life-threatening situations.

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Coconut Oil Pulling Benefits and How to do Oil Pulling

Coconut Oil Pulling Benefits and How to do Oil Pulling Learn how to do coconut oil pulling. I’ll also share about the benefits of doing oil pulling. In order to oil pull, take two teaspoons of sesame, coconut, or olive oil and lightly swoosh in your mouth for 10- 20 minutes a day. It’s been …

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Native American fish trap, Wilderness Survival

Native American fish trap, Wilderness Survival Native American history how they got food for there hungry family, How the Native American made there fish trap, The funnel opening will have to be large enough for the fish or turtle to swim into, leave the opening facing into deeper water,They can’t get out they do circles …

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