Making a PVC Walking Stick Blow Gun

Making a PVC Walking Stick Blow Gun We’ll be building a light duty walking stick today. It’s good for light hiking easy trails and fairly flat-terrain. It’s not something you can really put your weight into, but I use sticks like this often without fail and I’m a good 240 pounds. I just like to …

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Get Calcium From Eggshell Powder

Get Calcium From Eggshell Powder Calcium is an essential nutrient that we need for a range of biological processes in addition to maintaining strong bones and teeth. During a survival situation, supplies of supplements as well as milk or dairy products may be scarce. You can turn eggshells into a potent and easy to absorb …

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Brake Drum Forge Build

Brake Drum Forge Build Made from off the shelf parts (this would normally use a brake drum but I didn’t have one so i had to make a pan. a brake drum would be better, then make a small table around it! the parts to make the tuyere only cost around $35

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Prepping 101: The Lard Sand Candle

Prepping 101: The Lard Sand Candle This one is a variation on the sand in a can oil lamp. It’s a little more involved as you have to find a way to melt the lard if you’ve waited until the shtf before making one. To make this all you do is bury a lamp wick, …

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How To Fill Your Canteen from a Tree

How To Fill Your Canteen from a Tree   This video will demonstrate how you can fill your canteen from a tree for drinking clean water in the wilderness.

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120 lb: Homemade Slingbow with Speargun Rubber (incl. How To)

120 lb: Homemade Slingbow with Speargun Rubber (incl. How To) The Slingshot Channel showed several slingbows, but this time, two things are different. First, the new design really looks and shoots like a recurve bow. The string is replaced by rubber (different thicknesses). Also, the new slingbow allows very quick band changes. The presented range …

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Super Easy Soap for beginners.

Super Easy Soap for beginners. I started making soap around the time I started prepping. Yes, I can go to the store and buy soap, but in a SHTF situation, that may not be an option. I make soap so I can save money, know what is in it, and most importantly, keep the skill …

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Lessons for Urban Survival from the Infamous Chicago Heat Wave

Lessons for Urban Survival from the Infamous Chicago Heat Wave The Chicago heat wave of 1995 killed over 700 people and displaced tens of thousands of residents. What made the event so infamous wasn’t the heat itself, rather the government’s attitude and response before, during and after the crisis. Responses to disasters in this country …

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Baking Soda Uses SHTF – Every Prepper Needs This!

Baking Soda Uses SHTF – Every Prepper Needs This! Baking Soda Uses SHTF – Every Prepper Needs This! Baking soda is something that should be on every preppers to hoard list. In this video I will discuss a “few” reasons why this multipurpose product is good for you. Make sure you do your research and …

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Charge Dead Batteries With A Cordless Drill

Charge Dead Batteries With A Cordless Drill You can turn any cordless drill into a makeshift battery charger in just a few minutes. It is capable of charging both rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries, and this is one resource that everyone should have at their disposal if the SHTF. You can use this trick on any …

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