Faraday Cage: Garbage Can, Really?

Faraday Cage: Garbage Can, Really? Is a steel garbage can a good Faraday cage to protect against EMP and Solar flares? IMHO absolutely!How to test a Faraday cage to see if it is really working, how to make a nested Faraday cage and how to prepare the items you put in the Faraday cage.

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Mace, Tear Gas and Pepper Spray

Mace, Tear Gas and Pepper Spray These three products provide a non-lethal self defense resource that can stop an attacker or group of attackers in their tracks. However, it is important to know that each product has unique characteristics and generate different effects on the body. It is also important to know that these terms …

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Sharpening Knives on a Window

Sharpening Knives on a Window This is how you can get a knife sharp by using the frosted portion of a glass straight edge. I was using my shipping scales surface, but you could theoretically also use the frosted portion on the top of your cars side window also. I sharpen the edge of a …

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Native American fish trap, Wilderness Survival

Native American fish trap, Wilderness Survival Native American history how they got food for there hungry family, How the Native American made there fish trap, The funnel opening will have to be large enough for the fish or turtle to swim into, leave the opening facing into deeper water,They can’t get out they do circles …

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How to Make Pine Pitch Glue

How to Make Pine Pitch Glue Pine pitch glue is not hard to make because nature has already done most of the work for you.

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DIY Simple Wrench Knife

DIY Simple Wrench Knife A simple project, that you can do even without special tools. It’s a great knife for your workshop or to open envelopes. If you follow our instructions in the movie, it could get really sharp!

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Top 3 SHTF Budget Guns

Top 3 SHTF Budget Guns   Sensible Prepper’s “Top 3 SHTF Budget Guns“. If money is tight but you’re concerned about self defense and the safety of your family, here are 3 guns you should consider for SHTF. Personal Safety Home Defense Long Range Capability  

How To Make A Torch With A Red Bull Can

How To Make A Torch With A Red Bull Can Learn how to make a torch with a redbull can… this could come in handy some day…

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Duct Tape: 44 SHTF Uses

Duct Tape: 44 SHTF Uses                   44 SHTF Duct Tape Uses. Duct tape has a huge reputation for repairing about anything. Here are 44 ways to use Duct Tape if your options run out.

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Unusual Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide for Preppers!

Unusual Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide for Preppers! As a prepper, I see the value in having hydrogen peroxide in the stockpile. Here I have gathered some prepper specific uses for hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has been around for ages and it has received good and bad press over these years. I am a firm believer …

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