Survival Skills 101: BASIC Car First Aid Kit You should always have a car first aid kit along with some latex gloves, bandages and band-aids. I have a smaller first aid kit that is easier to get to in case I come across a car accident.
What Makes the Best Homemade Survival Bars?
What Makes the Best Homemade Survival Bars? There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to purchasing or preparing survival bars, but it’s important to remember their primary function. They are intended to provide a condensed source of nutrition and energy. Any product should incorporate ingredients that are loaded with carbohydrates, protein, …
Cleaning Melting and Filtering Beeswax
Cleaning Melting and Filtering Beeswax It’s a beekeeping update. Sort of. I wanted to show ya’ll how I deal with all that left over wax from my crush and strain honey extraction. It’s pretty simple. Wash the wax with cold water. Then melt it in a pot with 2″ of water in the bottom. Let …
A Small Homemade Solar Still
A Small Homemade Solar Still Check out his homemade solar still. Shallow basin design of 3 square feet of water surface area. It’s a work in progress but it’s very functional. I’ve noticed in my most recent use of this still that some of the water droplets are dropping off of the glass before …
How to Make a Basic SNARE Trap with Paracord or Wire
How to Make a Basic SNARE Trap with Paracord or Wire NEW! Learn to Make a Basic Snare Trap out of Paracord or Wire so that You can Stay Alive in a Wilderness Survival Situation. In this video, I’ll show you how to improvise basic snares from wire or paracord so that you can …
Biodiesel | Learn How To Make Your Own Biodiesel From Vegetable Oil
Biodiesel | Learn How To Make Your Own Biodiesel From Vegetable Oil Graydon Blair from Utah Biodiesel Supply shows you how to make a quick mini-batch of Biodiesel from new oil using only methanol and potassium hydroxide. The batch is made from new Canola oil but any organic oil will work.
Free And Virtually Unlimited Fuel To Heat Your Home
Free And Virtually Unlimited Fuel To Heat Your Home Every day we have tons of paper sent to us in the mail, boxes that our food is packaged in and in my case, lots of beer packaging. In this video I show you how to turn all that paper into something very useful, a way …
How to Make Sugar From Beets
How to Make Sugar From Beets Making sugar from beets is a natural and practical way to add some sweetness to life while also creating a nice morale boost. While the sugar won’t taste exactly like what we expect from the refined cane products we get from the store, it is a nice and …
How To Turn a 3 Dollar Pry Bar Into a Throwing Knife
How To Turn a 3 Dollar Pry Bar Into a Throwing Knife Today we’ll be turning a 3 dollar pry bar into a balanced throwing knife! This build only makes use of an angle grinder and 4 different disks: cut-off wheel, grinding wheel, coarse flap sanding wheel, and medium flap sanding wheel.
Building a Useful Stockpile of Clothing
Building a Useful Stockpile of Clothing One of the most important, yet least discussed, aspects of disaster preparation is to obtain appropriate clothing. This is especially true if you are in an area where seasonal weather patterns or climate conditions vary. You always want to make sure that you have items that will either …