Prepping for the Elderly and Disabled Special consideration is necessary to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled along with making accommodations based on their physical and emotional condition. However, the basic principles of preparedness are the same. Access to food, water, shelter, medicine and safety are the primary things that you should …
Portable Battery Power Box, SHTF Emergency Box
Portable Battery Power Box, SHTF Emergency Box This is a portable power box built for emergency power use. Has a 12 volt, 12amp battery. The plastic ammo box is from Harbor Fright Tools for $5! Also has a solar charge controller for charging via different 12volt sources.
How to Treat Gunshot & Knife Wounds
How to Treat Gunshot & Knife Wounds Fun Gun Reviews Presents: “How to Treat Gun Shot & Knife Wounds”. Having this information could be a matter of Life or Death if you’re ever faced with having to deal with a Gun shot or Knife/Puncture wound. Accidents happen everyday and knowing these few simple …
Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Under Control
Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Under Control Most spiders are completely harmless. However there are species that are venomous such as the brown recluse and black widow. While they do a great job of providing insect control, it’s better to be safe then sorry when it comes to spiders indoors or in work areas. Here …
DIY Camp Perimeter Sentry Alarm Dollartree Window Alarm Hack
DIY Camp Perimeter Sentry Alarm Dollartree Window Alarm Hack This is a dollar store window alarm turned into a tripwire trap with little effort…. These can make all the difference in your security in a downed scenario… Simple and Cheap!!! DIY Camp Perimeter Sentry Alarm Dollartree Window Alarm Hack
How To Make A Smokeless Campfire
How To Make A Smokeless Campfire Make your next camping trip or other outdoor adventure more enjoyable with this simple, yet incredibly effective tip. This easy to follow video shows two separate techniques that when combined can be used to make a virtually smokeless campfire… allowing for a more pleasurable time when lounging …