How to build a basic portable solar power system -camping,boating,off grid living- Useful info for those thinking about leaving their power bills behind. This detailed video shows how to build a basic solar powered set-up. Ideal for camping, boats, motor-homes, caravans or if scaled up can be used to power an energy efficient house.
Bow Drill Fire Make YOUR Kit – Step-By-Step Survival Bow Drill Training
Bow Drill Fire Make YOUR Kit – Step-By-Step Survival Bow Drill Training You CAN Make a Life-Saving, Bow Drill Fire from Scratch Using this Unique – Step-by-Step Training for Beginners. In this Video David will Show You How to Dramatically Increase Your Chances of Getting a Fire with a Bushcrafted Bow Drill by Properly Selecting …
DIY Plunger Clothes Washer
DIY Plunger Clothes Washer Unfortunately, during your escape from a riot situation or some other form of social collapse, you will find that washing clothes will be far more difficult than expected. If you don’t have a lot of money in your budget, this simple 5 gallon washing machine may be ideal for your needs.
How To Make A Fire Log
How To Make A Fire Log The Swedish Fire Torch – Imagine a wood fire that is completely self-sustaining, burns an incredibly long time, and even features a built-in cooking surface… well this is it! This video demonstrates, step-by-step, just how easy it is to make a Swedish Fire Torch (or “Canadian Candle” as …
Quick Guide to Storing Eggs and Milk
Quick Guide to Storing Eggs and Milk Milk and eggs can be frozen, canned and dehydrated to extend their shelf life. However, there are some important things to consider as you use each of these methods. Let’s look at the benefits as well as drawbacks of storing these perishable items for future use.
Interesting and Practical Uses for Pantyhose
Interesting and Practical Uses for Pantyhose There are lot of practical uses for pantyhose out there that do not get mentioned all that often. However, the benefits of using nylons in survival activities are definitely worth mentioning. Let’s take a look at a few practical ways that will illustrate why you should consider adding a …
Remembering the Cardinal Rule of Threes for Survival
Remembering the Cardinal Rule of Threes for Survival It’s important to bring things back to basics every now and then when it comes to preparing to survive a crisis. Yes, we need resources, supplies and an array of skills that will help us to make do during one of many emergencies that come our …
Prepper Skill – Pickling Eggs
Prepper Skill – Pickling Eggs Pickling eggs is simple, easy, and requires nothing more than a canning jar and a stock pot. If properly canned eggs can be shelf stable for 1-2 years without refridgeration and is an amazing skill to have to any prepper. It’s a great way to add to your …
Trip Wire Alarm Homemade, simple, and loud.
Trip Wire Alarm Homemade, simple, and loud. Using a GE personal keychain alarm and create a great little trip wire alarm which can be used to alert you to intrusions into your space or property. The trip wire pulls a pin that activates the alarm. Very simple and functional. Very inexpensive as well.
Most People Lack Basic Skills Needed in a Post-SHTF World
Most People Lack Basic Skills Needed in a Post-SHTF World Gadgets, apps, automation and all of the other conveniences of modern life have left us lacking when it comes to practicing basic skills. Things like arithmetic, writing, reading comprehension and basic knowledge about science are all things that we will need to utilize in a …