Car Survival Kit / Emergency Bag This is the bag I keep in the trunk of my car at all times. The opening of the video explains some of the thinking that goes into the item selection, and the end of the video explains the other items I have in my car for giving …
A Knife Sheath Made From PVC Pipe
A Knife Sheath Made From PVC Pipe An easy neck knife sheath made from PVC pipe using heat to soften and shape the pipe. I also use a Dremel tool, and a drill press as part of the process.
Simple Sheltering Tricks That Can be Used Anywhere
Simple Sheltering Tricks That Can be Used Anywhere Creating a shelter in a hurry is priority number one in any survival situation. Fortunately, you can build one with minimal material in a matter of minutes in most situations. Let’s take a look at a couple of different options that are available based on whether or …
Useful Information About Frogs and Toads and Their Benefits
Useful Information About Frogs and Toads and Their Benefits Frogs and toads are easily misidentified and misunderstood. You can’t get warts from touching or kissing them, most are not poisonous, and they provide a number of important benefits. Let’s look at some of their similarities, differences and how you can take advantage of these …
How to Cast Thermite for Practical Purposes
How to Cast Thermite for Practical Purposes Thermite is a mixture of common chemicals that either be used as an ignition source or for generating tremendous heat. It is most commonly used by welders, but there are many practical applications that make it a fantastic resource to have on hand. Let’s take a look …
The Amazing Benefits of Ducks and Chickens in the Garden
The Amazing Benefits of Ducks and Chickens in the Garden Keeping ducks or chickens around the garden is one of the most productive and healthy ways to boost crop production. They are easy to care for and manage, and they provide a lot of benefits that are ideal in a world of self-reliance and sustainability. …
How to Make a Smoke Grenade
How to Make a Smoke Grenade A smoke grenade may save your life one day, whether you are trying to signal for help or you want to hide your escape route. You can make your own very easily and create a powerful and thick blast of smoke that will get attention. The method that is …
Build a Compact and Productive Potato Tower
Build a Compact and Productive Potato Tower Maximizing space and minimizing resources are key concepts to survival gardening, and making a potato tower will help you to achieve both goals. Not only is more resource-friendly, but they are easier to grow and maintain than preparing soil and tending to the land. Best of all, it …
How to Make Tallow Candles
How to Make Tallow Candles Beef tallow has been used for centuries as a cooking grease as well as fuel for lanterns. Making tallow candles will give you a nice and long-burning source of light that works well in outdoor situations. While anyone can use beeswax, candle wax or even shortening to make a candle, …