How to make homemade pepper spray

How to make homemade pepper spray Pepper spray is a self defense product only and it should only be used when you feel that your life is in danger and you need to be able to get away from your attacker. pepper spray is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, …

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How to Make A Simple Snare

How to Make A Simple Snare The key to effective passive hunting is to know where the animals travel and establish a trap along that path. One of the easiest ways to trap an animal is with a snare made from rope or other kind of cordage, and it can be a very productive resource …

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Stop Bleeding by Pinching These Universal Pressure Points

Stop Bleeding by Pinching These Universal Pressure Points   Every human body has a series of pressure points that can be pinched in order to stop severe bleeding following an injury. Pressure points are essentially places where veins or arteries can be pinched like a hose in order to slow the rate of blood flow …

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How to Build a Fire Bed

How to Build a Fire Bed Did you know that you can have your fire and sleep on it as well?  Most people are content to sleep as close to a fire as possible in order to stay warm at night.  However, we all know that this doesn’t always work as effectively as we would …

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How to Make A Duct Tape Stretcher

How to Make A Duct Tape Stretcher One of the most amazing, practical and under-utilized uses for duct tape is as a makeshift stretcher.  Not only is surprisingly effective, but a few strips of this wonder material can provide substantial stability and strength.  However, this trick sounds easier than it really is, and there are …

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How to Make Aspirin If You Are Lost in the Woods

How to Make Aspirin If You Are Lost in the Woods The inner bark of the willow tree contains salicin, which is closely related to the active ingredient in aspirin. Warning People who are allergic or sensitive to salicylates such as aspirin should not use willow bark.

3 Interesting Uses for Fire Extinguishers

3 Interesting Uses for Fire Extinguishers   Fire extinguishers should be a mainstay in every home, vehicle or cabin in the woods for obvious reasons.  However, fire extinguishers can also serve other purposes that may end up saving your live.  Here are a few examples of ways that you can use them to your advantage …

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DIY Emergency Fire Starter (Char Cloth)

DIY Emergency Fire Starter (Char Cloth)  Char cloth (also called charpaper) is a swatch of fabric made from vegetable fiber (such as linen, cotton or jute) that has been converted via pyrolysis into a slow-burning fuel of very low ignition temperature. DIY Emergency Fire Starter (Char Cloth)  

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Survival New Year’s Resolutions You Really Want to Keep

Survival New Year’s Resolutions You Really Want to Keep   The beginning of a new year always brings the promise of fresh starts and new opportunities, and this is a great time to look at how to improve our levels of preparedness. While many people resolve to lose weight or to get a better job, …

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Amazing and Interesting Uses for Silica Gel

Amazing and Interesting Uses for Silica Gel Silica gel is commonly found in packets and inserted into products to keep them dry. However, these tiny little beads can also produce a lot of benefits that make them worth keeping around for a rainy day. Here are a few examples of how they can be put …

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