Check out this guy’s homemade distillery

To make a homemade distillery, you will need to have a wood frame well-built. The wood frame should be constructed with the American measurement of a propane bottle. The length should be around 26 inches long while the base remains at 21 inches. Ensure to attach a lid at the front edge of the wood frame work. This will help you easily open the wood frame and position the gas bottle.
The next step to take is by creating a little platform below the height of the wood frame work. It can be 21 inches just as the same size of the width of the wood frame. The little platform can be 18 inches long to hold the five gallon of bucket. At the bottom of the wood frame work, ensure to create the space of a drawer. The drawer is basically designed to capture anything distilled. Since the wood frame work is not heavy, you can easily raise it up. This simply explained how to make a homemade distillery.
How to Make a Homemade Distillery